Monday, April 21, 2008

7 Steps to Writing Your Own Fast Selling E-book

Writing e-books is one of the most income generating models on the internet. So many people have made it big doing this business and anybody can still do likewise.
Why You Must Publish E-books
Low cost start-up
Easy to produce
Unlimited market
Absolutely cheap
Boastful profit
Fame and reputation
Life-time legacy
Steps in writing an e-book
1) Creative Idea
You need a creative idea. All money-making e-books start with an idea. This could be as a result of a need that you have discovered or a solution to a certain problem. The book must have a particular focus. It might be on “How to”… These type of books are the hot selling products today. You make money by teaching people how to do a particular thing.
2) Test The Selling Capacity. You must test if the product will sell or not before putting your energy into writing. Your objective is to write a fast selling e-book, not just any e-book, so, you must know the need of the people you are willing to serve. If you create a product nobody is interested in that is enough to frustrate your effort. So, be wise. Try and see what people are talking about. As you go about your day, read the day’s news, listen to the radio, watch television, attend church service, keep sniffing and you can never miss a best-selling e-book idea.
3)Create An Attractive and Seductive Title.
Note that a great e-book can be messed up by a poor title whereas a low quality e-book can sell so much for a high price simply because of the title. Take time to create a good title for your e-book. A simple way to create good titles is to make your title promise a real benefit the book can deliver…e.g. “7 Steps to Having A Quality Life Style”, “Secrets of Internet Millionaires Revealed!” Here are few words you can work into your titles for life. The words are: ‘How to…, quick, absolute, unbreakable, reliable, amazing, secret, million, wealth, instant, sure-fire, explosive, income, strategies, best, profits, sell, seven(in figure), money, speed, free, killer, greatest, exposed, rich, start, extraordinary, success, idea, etc.
4) Break Down The Whole Idea Into Blocks.
Separate your idea into parts. Each part should deal with a portion of the idea so as to help you keep focus and ensures that you complete the book. It also helps you to have an e-book, which is easy to read because each major part will come under titles, headlines and sub-headlines. Also link all the parts together so that your reader will not be left confused after reading than before he got started. Create a flow to sustain the reader’s interest. Follow a logical sequence and where possible, make references to previous parts of the book to ensure that the reader still keeps up. Most people forget the beginning of a book by the time they get to the middle!
5) Edit and Proofread Your Book.
Most e-books don’t do well in the market because they contain too many errors. Read and re-read your e-book to avoid this. You can also give it out to a friend to proofread it for you or hire a proofreader for a fee.
6) Convert Your Book into an E-book
You need a free software called Open Office to do this conversion. Copy the whole of the book contents and convert into an e-book using the ‘Export to Pdf’ function. Your e-book is now ready to be sold.

Saturday, April 12, 2008


Every site owner wants to be listed on the first page of search engines but this can only me made possible if some principles are carefully put into consideration. The following are the top most raking factors in google SEO.
1. Use of keyword in title tag – having keyword in your title tag gives you an upper hand in search engine optimization.
2. Page rank – Page rank is influenced by the quality and quantity of text link to your page.
3. Popularity of site – This is the total number of web links serving as a pointer to your site.
4. Age of site – Older contents take the place of authority while newer ones slows down ranking evaluation in competitive field.
5. Number and relevance of incoming links to sites – This is a very big factor to consider.
6. Use of keywords in body text – It is very important to mix keyword within the content for better ranking although if over done might suppress rankings.
7. Traffic trend – Search engines are interested in the performance of sites listed in thir database. They consider the number and behavior of visitors to the site .
8. Use of keyword in URL or domain name – The more you use keyword in your domain name the better. It influences the relevance of the site.
9. Website update frequency and rate – A good factor is to update your content frequently according to trend.
10. Link stability over time.

Thursday, April 10, 2008


Many people want to go into Internet Marketing but don’t really know what is required of them. Success does not just come as the air. There are certain skills that a marketer must process to survive in Internet Marketing.

1. Strong Desire.
There is no how anybody will be successful in business without a burning desire to succeed. Your passion for what you are doing online will sustain you and make you stand firm against hurdles or obstacles. You must start with a yearning to tell the world about what you can offer them that will benefit them. Your desire could be anything ranging from writing to improve people’s live with your knowledge to creating a mega Internet business that could fetch you dollars.

2. Determination
Determination is a basic tool for success. Without determination to give your businees whatever it takes you won’t be able to wait for your avest time after all the effort expended. It’s so sad when you see some Internet entrepreneurs pull off right at the brink of success.

3. Be a doer and not a Dreamer
Dreams can live for years without it coming true. It is good to dream but the power to do bring results all the time. No dream will actualize itself, it is your duty to take action and take it fast so as to be successful.

4. Clarity
You must make yourself so clear that people will understand what you are saying as good as if you are talking to them face to face. All I’m saying here is that you need to demonstrate good communication skills - especially in writing. I don’t mean complex writing skills because Research has shown that clear, simple, everyday language outsells complex language

5. Skill
Do you have a skill? If you don’t, try and get one. It is very important to have at least a skill in your line of business. Having the best product in the world does not guarantee your success if nobody knows about it, there is no way you will sell.

6. Be goal Oriented
You must set goals for yourself so as to have a guide to follow in your business. Set a daily realistic goals for yourself and try to raise the bar everyday. If you do, I assure you will get a lot of satisfaction from achieving them.

7. Passion
Successful Internet marketers are not just motivated by a desire to earn a living. They usually have such an interest in their line of business that it rarely seems like work to them. It helps them put in the long hours that getting a business up and running sometimes calls for.

8. Ability to Overcome Challenges
Challenges will definitely come your way in your quest to make money online but your power to overcome these challenges will stand you before kings. Your ability to overcome these challenges will stand you in good stead. There is no business without it’s own challenges, so you cannot run away from it. Just steer up courage to overcome.